Want to
become a master at delivering vibrant, memorable presentations? Here
are 10 strategies for making yourself really come alive when you have the
exciting opportunity to stand up in front of a group of people you don’t know.
1: Know Your Audience
In advance, try to find
out your listeners’ concerns, interests and possible beliefs regarding the
fitness topic you are presenting. What will people expect from you, and how can
you best address their needs? For instance, talking to a group of inactive
smokers and addressing a group of recreational enthusiasts require two very
different speaking strategies and presentations.
2: Define the Essence of Your Presentation
Every year, I work with
undergraduate and graduate students who give lectures and presentations to
their peers. As the students strive to show how much they know about a subject,
they often start to ramble. The solution to this common speaking problem is to
focus on the essence of your presentation. What is the essential information
you are discussing or delivering? What are your main points? What actions or
directions do you want your audience to take? Clearly define the concise
objectives and the essence of your presentation, and you will avoid
disappointing your audience and embarrassing yourself.
3: Check Out Your Presentation Space
To ensure a successful
presentation, it’s crucial to investigate your speaking area before you talk. Always arrive early, and assess your lecture
space for movement if you are going to move. Identify where to place your props
(such as bags, dumbbells, tubing or other exercise devices). Determine where
demonstrations will best be seen, and familiarize yourself with the audiovisual
equipment and room lighting. All of us have had the (sad) opportunity to
observe a presenter fumbling with equipment, demonstrating an exercise that no
one beyond the first few rows could see or speaking with a microphone that was
turned down too low. Remember, not preparing all aspects of your presentation
space (and equipment) may undermine much of your professional credibility in
the eyes of your audience.
4: Know That It Is Okay to Be Nervous
Being nervous is a good
sign. In many respects it shows that you really care about the speech you are
about to deliver. One of the best ways to manage nervous tension is to begin
your presentation with something that draws your audience toward you, establishing
a positive speaker-to- audience connection. Here are some examples. Starting
with a relevant quote can be very powerful. Sometimes a brief but entertaining
story that is appropriate and related to the topic makes an effective beginning
that will help you relax. Another option is to start with a fascinating or even
shocking statistics. Some interesting audiovisual display can also provide a
compelling way to attract the audience and calm your presentation nerves.
5: Be the Enthusiastic Greeter
As attendees have
observed at my speaking sessions, I enjoy being the gregarious greeter
of delegates at my presentations. Nowhere is it written that as a speaker you
should avoid talking to audience members before your presentation! If you have
the time and opportunity, meet and greet members of your audience before you
speak. These actions, while building a communication bridge with your audience,
will also settle your nerves.
6: Speak With Passion
No one wants to come to a
presentation to see a lecturer read his slides. So be sure to select a topic
you have great enthusiasm and passion about. Allow that zest to come through as
you speak to the audience. If you are not passionate about your topic, how and
why will the audience be passionate about listening to you? Allow your energy
and motivation to extend to those you are addressing.
7: Wear the Right Attire
Without a doubt, dress
appropriately for your listeners. Wear clothes in which you can effortlessly
move, speak and interact with the audience and that people will feel
comfortable looking at you. So I always wear sharp slacks and dress shirts,
which look “professional” to my audience and allow me to be natural in my
movements. Your presentation and the way you look express much about you to
your audience. Choose your attire accordingly.
8: Practice, Practice and Practice
Great presentations are
not like diffusion in biology—they don’t just happen. When you are
underprepared, you will typically be so preoccupied with the wording of the
speech that you may fail to develop an energetic, engaging style of
communicating with your audience. However, how you practice will really make a
difference in how you relate to your audience. Practicing your presentation in
front of a mirror can be most enlightening. You can see little facial and
bodily mannerisms that you were totally unaware of. Another worthwhile idea is
to practice in front of respected colleagues and request their constructive
feedback. And since most of us have access to camcorders, filming and reviewing
your presentation is another valuable aid.
9: Make Your Presentation Memorable
One of the most helpful
activities you can do before a presentation is to ask and answer this question:
“Is my presentation memorable?” Have you done the exhaustive research and
preparation necessary to present the most applicable, meaningful and
attention-grabbing presentation? Most audiences enjoy a varied, stimulating and
thought-provoking talk. Only through your conscientious attention to details,
facts and information will you be able to provide this.
10: Dare to Be Different
Observe and learn from
your fellow colleagues, but allow your presentation style to be different.
Really focus on ways that you can distinguish yourself and establish a style
unique to you. Try combining your experience, knowledge, passion, beliefs and
creativity to develop the exceptional professional image you want to project.
You don’t have to be outlandish, as we all have seen presenters who have
attempted this strategy and failed. However, dig deep and embody those aspects
of yourself that are different from others.
Ready to prepare for a
dynamic presentation? Go for it—you can do it!
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